Rabu, 02 Juni 2021

Most Popular Goals in the World

Goals are dreams with deadlines

We all love to set some kind of goals in our life regardless of their outcome. Setting goals is in a way extension to dreaming. When we take a resolution to fulfill our dreams, they become goals. And when we achieve our goals, they become reality.

However not all people try that hard to achieve their goals. But achieving or not, people seem to be in love with setting goals. So, what goals are most popular among the people? Here’s the list of top 10 most popular goals, according to 43things.com – a website that motivates people to set goals and achieving them.

1. Losing weight

2. Stopping procrastinating

3. Writing a book

4. Falling in love

5. Staying happy

6. Getting a tattoo

7. Drinking more water

8. Getting married

9. Traveling the world

10. Going on road trip with no predetermined destination

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